Social protection is a newly emerged term which is being used for social development, during these days. In the current decade it has been recognized by the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, and at the other forums, on priority basis. Now it is even more important than the Millennium Development Goals and part of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. Specifically, its objective is to address the need of poor and vulnerable population of the society. Recognizing importance of the topic, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has undertaken a two years research program on Asian countries in order to identify policies and built strategies to expand coverage of the social protection in Asia. The book under review is edited by Sri Wening Handayani of the ADB and contain 11 Chapters. The first four chapters give the conceptual framework of how to extend social protection to the informal workers. The first four Chapters covers the:
- Design and delivery,
- Financings,
- Political economy, and
- Governance.